Where I'm getting hung up is the multiple rows of statements per site. We can bring this all in using the Survey function or via Excel spreadsheets. Sites also have quantitative reliability coefficients (six different reliability measures) Clusters have quantitative ratings as well (mean priority, mean frequency, and a bridging value) Statements have two quantitative ratings (priority and frequency, each on a scale of 1 to 5) There is also quantitative data as follows: Each site also has two dimensions (two phrases describing the content of the map at a higher level than the clusters) in which clusters/statements are grouped which we will also want to code Each site also has 5-11 cluster names in which statements are grouped (through previously carried out multidimensional scaling and cluster analysis) which we also want to code Each site has between 40-100 statements (ideas that were generated based on a question) that we want to code
There are 17 locations/sites - I imagine these will be cases in NVivo The data structure is shown in the graphic.
I'm trying to bring in multi-site concept mapping data at multiple levels to NVivo 11 for Windows so that we can conduct a more in-depth mixed methods analysis.